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Re: A Netscape bug?

reading your email I get the feeling that it is a memory 'issue' somewhere. We 
have had 'half messages' on the screen and it's been related to memory clashes.

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: A Netscape bug?
Author:  tomhavbe@martin.luther.edu at INTERNET
Date:    07/05/96 22:59

Hi All!

I've been hesitant to post this as I am not yet sure if the problem is 
localized to my site, or if it has been happening elsewhere.  I have sent 
several messages to Netscape support and received no response.  Due to an 
increase in the occurrance of the problem, I am deciding to post here with 
the hope that somebody else has encountered this problem as well.  So, 
without further delay, let me explain the nature of the problem.

I've made an effort to install Win32s 1.30c on all our machines that won't 
be hurt by it more than helped.  This includes all our pentiums which are 
running a minimum of 8MB RAM.  We are standardized with Windows for 
Workgroups 3.11 on all our PCs.  When the beta versions of Netscape 2 
started coming out, I started seeing a weird "thing."  At first, it was 
only on one computer.  Every time you open Netscape, a message window opens 
with Netscape as the title, a yellow circle with an exclamation point on 
the left, and an OK button in the middle.  No text.  No explanation.  Just 
a message window.  You click on OK, and then Netscape starts.  I 
reinstalled Netscape.  Then I reinstalled Win32s.  Then I reinstalled 
Windows.  Then I reinstalled Win32s with a different copy. None of these 
things worked.  Despite further upgrades of Netscape, eventually to v2.01, 
the message window continues to appear.  A couple weeks after I noticed 
this problem on one machine, another machine in the same lab started doing 
the same thing.  I tried to figure out what the difference was between 
those 2 machines and the rest of the machines in the lab.  However, I could 
not find -any- descrepencies.  I even went so far as deleting all of 
Netscape, all of Windows, and all of Win32s, and then reinstalling 
everything.  The message window still appeared!! I have run both McAfee and 
F-PROT virus scanners on these machines, and found nothing.  The machines 
all have BOOT-ROM's, and don't actually have a copy of the OS local.  
Everything in imported into memory at boot-up.  The MS-DOS files are not 
present on the machines.  When it comes to Winsock packages, we are running 
a couple different things.  However, this problem has started occurring in 
3-4 other labs on campus, including everything from TCP/IP to a Novix 
gateway connection with dynamic socket allocation.

So, I'm a bit perplexed by this whole problem.  I have pretty much done 
everything short of formatting the hard drive.  I have even tried
fdisk /mbr, thinking that there might be something in the MBR that would 
be causing this problem.

If anybody has any hints, ideas, or has experienced the same problem, I'd 
love to know about it.  The more cases of this problem, the more likely 
Netscape Corp. will listen.



    Benjamin Tomhave            |   Shell to DOS...Come in DOS...Do you Copy? 
    Luther College              |
    Decorah, IA 52101           |   $ rm * .*    "Hey, where'd everything go? 
    tomhavbe@martin.luther.edu  |